You are all welcome to Pictura’s 10 year jubilee 14-15th December 2013!
The program is the following:
Saturday 14.12
Guest lectures in ASA A120
12.00 Aino Aksenja (in English)
Coffee and Photo of the Month. Theme: Light
14.00 Lotta Djupsund (in Swedish)
Panimoravintola Koulu (Eriksgatan 18)
19.00 Banquet
00.00 Nachspiel at K
Sunday 15.12
12.00 Herring Breakfast (Sillfrukost) at Marlirummet, Kåren, Tavastgatan 22
Members 55 € / 50 € alcohol-free
Others 60 € / 55 € alcohol-free
Herring Breakfast 5 €
Guest lectures are free of charge!
The price includes menu, two glasses of wine, one snaps and coffee/tea.
RSVP by 8 December by paying the above mentioned fees and by sending an email to Sally Svartsjö (sally.svartsjo(A) Please provide the following information: 1. your choice of main course, 2. special diets, 3. seating preferences and 4. which alternative you have paid for (for example “member, alcohol-free and herring breakfast”).
Dress code: Black tie or dark lounge suit
Recipient: Pictura vid Åbo Akademi r.f.
IBAN: FI55 6601 0001 1980 84
Message: Your name + which alternative (for example “member, alcohol-free and herring breakfast”).